ACTS 13:1-52


The church was at a distinct turning point. It was past time to “go” to ALL of the nations. An important question for the church is “how?” The brethren at Antioch knew to listen to God for the answer.


teaching, fasting, praying & worshipping


These were lives that sought fulfillment from God by emptying themselves. Notice how we are NOT treated to a business meeting of folks pressing their own agenda. Instead, they are of one mind and one ear. Their missionaries soon went out.


not everyone is filled with good motives


Listening to God allows us to be able to filter out false teaching and false reasoning. Spiritual sight is from God alone. Paul proclaimed the word of God from the Spirit God because he was filled with the word. What Paul had supernaturally, we can have naturally as we study and meditate. Teaching, fasting, praying and worshipping are marvelous avenues for God to fill us.


the word of Christ dwells in us richly


When Christians do what God calls us to do, truth is separated from fiction and true seekers can see it. The proconsul was astonished at the teaching of the Lord – not Paul. In the next town he reasoned in the synagogues, speaking to the Jews about their common history. He guided them to an understanding that God pointed to Jesus in the Law and the prophets, like David and John.


some will be filled with curiosity


Sadly, others will be filled with envy and malice toward truth. Paul’s job was merely to proclaim. The word does not return to the Lord empty, but accomplishes His purpose. Sometimes His purpose is to separate sheep from goats. Many heard and believed, while many others resisted and incited trouble. Was it time to give up?


persecution came and joy filled the disciples

The church has been given a simple task. We are to go and proclaim Jesus. Teaching, fasting, prayer and worship are but preparation for the work before us. Far too often we see those things as the ultimate purpose. When we seek fulfillment only in the assembly we will ultimately find disappointment and frustration. When these wonderful gifts from God are used as fuel for the work, however, the Christian is filled with joy.


Discover … His Joy

Access … His Joy

Share … His Joy




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